Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NMBCA grant awarded for conservation in Macaya Biosphere Reserve, Haiti

Project: Sustainable Livelihoods at Critical Caribbean Biodiversity Areas.

Description: This project will promote reduced degradation of bird habitat in Macaya National Park in Haiti and the Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve in the Dominican Republic. These sites contain wintering habitat for Neotropical migratory bird species that is disappearing, despite its protected status, because of unsustainable use of natural resources. Nature Canada will work with Haiti Audubon Society and Grupo Jaragua to provide training and on-site projects to promote improved livelihoods for eleven communities located in and around the five important birds areas contained in these two sites. The partners will build awareness of the bird diversity at these sites, through environmental education and outreach. The project will also reinforce the skills and lessons learned by the participants by bringing them together to share their experiences locally and regionally.

For a list of all projects awarded funds through the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, visit the USFWS Division of Bird Habitat Conservation.